Dentistry Transcription Service
Why Use OutSec For Your Dentistry Transcription Service?
As a full-service medical transcription company, the OutSec Medical Transcription Solution can provide a complete and accurate dentistry typing service for all areas of dental medicine including subspecialties such as oral pathology, radiography, orthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, and dental pharmacology.
As one of leading medical transcription companies, OutSec Medical understands the importance of precise documentation and focus on providing quality medical transcription services that will meet and exceed your expectations.
It's all about time and cost-saving efficiencies
By simply downloading the OutSec Medical App your smartphone will become a sophisticated digital recorder. Your audio files can be dictated from anywhere at any time and, as you talk four times faster than you type, well time can be saved and another patient seen!
All of the OutSec Medical Team are specialists in their chosen field so know the correct terminology and can accurately type up your files within your chosen case management system or simply type up the document in Word.
Two Unique Services
Standard Service £1.30 per audio minute + VAT
Premium Service £1.60 per audio minute + VAT
Quite simply a 10 minute audio file will cost £13 + VAT with a 24 hour turnaround and £16 + VAT for immediate typing. Specialty typists are available on a one to one basis and understand all disciplines including but not limited to:
general dentistry examination
oral examination & treatment plan
procedure notes
history intake
periodontic treatment
endodontic treatment
prosthodontic implant
implant treatment
OMFS pre-surgical, post surgical and consultant notes
£1.20 / Audio Min
How it works
£1.20 / Audio Min
Each client is allocated a Personal Account Manager who will tailor the service to your specific needs reflecting your brand and identity. The OutSec Medical FileManager system is a custom workflow solution that receives audio files immediately uploaded. In combination with the OutSec Medical App the service ensures a transcription service that is simple and cost efficient. The App can be used to dictate from anywhere, at any time with an instant 'send' facility to typists. Our medical typists enter transcriptions into patient management systems directly or into Word documents whatever your preference. As a result, typing deadlines are always met daily and without fuss.
Many surgeries send all their dictation work to us so that their employees can focus on core responsibilities and patient care:
Typing costs are reduced by 30%+.
Efficiencies are improved.
No more recruitment and training costs for new and/or temporary staff.
OutSec Medical has a strict policy on sensitive information, which is why we adhere to the highest standards of data protection and security, as seen by our certifications. If you would like confidentiality (or non-disclosure agreements) signed this is not a problem and references can be provided should you request them.